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How to order your pasture raised beef

Getting your food fresh from a local farm is a little more involved, but can save you lots of time and money in the long run.  after all in one day you will pick up your meat for a whole year. 
After we have received your deposit on your half or quarter cow, we will contact you with the next available pickup dates for the meat.  If this is your first time ordering, don't worry, we will walk you through it.

After you order:

1.  We will send you a cut sheet explaining the meat cut options (ie:  a T-bone is composed of filet and strip steaks, so either we make t-bones, or filet and strip, but not both.)
2.  Get a freezer, or clean out your existing one, so you have a place to put your meat when you get home!  For a half cow, we recommend a 3x6 chest freezer minimum, that will leave you enough room to shift things around a bit.
3.  We will contact you a couple of weeks before pickup with available pickup times.  Select a time so we can focus on you when you arrive.

Pick up day:
1.  Have enough room in your car for your meat.  A half a cow will fill two large 3' long coolers.  If you have a small car you may need an empty seat and an empty trunk.
2.  Bring a cooler if you have them.  If you don't, we will provide you a cooler with your first order.  
3.  Be prepared to shop!  Our store has plenty of other items, depending on the season, so look around, you may find a new favorite food!
4.  Don't miss your appointment window.  We want to be efficient and not waste your time when you arrive.  If you miss your time window, you may be waiting quite a while as we serve the other customers in their alotted time. 
 5. Come early.  Walk around, enjoy the farm.  if we aren't too busy, we will be happy to give you a tour.

Checkout process: 
We will have your order ready to go when you get there.  When your appointment time arrives, we will call you to the pickup counter.  
We will review the invoice and the items together and confirm the final payment amount.  You will take your receipt along with any other purchases to the cashier to checkout.   